Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
yas yaar....get this.....
i ordered mehndi and another dvd not even 2 weeks ago from that same place, and 2day i got them already!! not even 2 weeks! thats wicked eh? these guys r good.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
lol. its tru, its tru!
i bet the a-list actresses like sadia and iman ali were waiting for the loser actresses 2 leave lollywood! and now look....they come outta nowhere 2 sign films left right and center! good 4 them!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. she was 'walking with attitude'!! 2 be honest, she seems like she'd be stuck up if we met her face 2 face. who knows tho...
umer gul...i had no idea who he was until u just mentioned he was a cricket player. lol but its cool that he gave u that 'wazzup' smile!
my summer...sanam was wicked! my cousin got married so most of our time went into preparing 4 it. plus we had family come over from pakistan and europe (4 the wedding), and we took 'em around site seeing (niagra falls, cn tower etc.)! another highlight was going to the world hockey champoionship game between canada/finland!! thats about it! how abt u? how long were u in pak 4? what other celebs did u meet?! u were supposed 2 give my salaam 2 humaira arshad, remember?!!lol. (j/k)
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
signing iman ali = good
criticizing pakistan's entire music industry = bad. what's this guy smokin'??
looks like the spare parts r going to india (meera, sana etc) and the REAL DEAL'S are comin' in like sadia imam and iman ali. sounds like a good trade-off 2 me.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
cool. i don't mind the wait, as long as the dvd itself is proper. not some fake dvd.
and btw, i've started 2 watch singhar. i'm into episode #3, and so far so good. amna haq and sadia imam have real good chemistry. they look/act like real sisters! sadia takes the cake tho when it comes 2 looks! i love that woman! lol.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
holy cow...xtreme bro (or sis!)....u don't know who FUZON is?!!??? i take it you don't follow pakistani music my friend! fuzon is one of the most, if not THE hottest band in pakistan right now. they blend eastern classical music with western pop. some of their hit songs include: saagar, tere bina, akhiyan and khamaj. the members include: shafqat amanat ali (son of the legendary classical singer amanat ali khan), shallum xavier (on giutars) and immu (on keyboards)! hope that helps.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
lol @ the ustaad! he's right...the two things we agree on are enough 2 make us real good yaar's! and we can finally add a 3rd item 2 that list: fuzon!
sanam jee u went 2 pak 4 the summer?! now I'M jealous. lol. did u go 2 the city of city's, lahore?! and how did u deal with the heat?!
i know how u must have felt when u had 2 leave. even tho i was born and raised in canada....whenever i go home 2 lahore, pk....i come back crying cause i want 2 stay! pakistan has that effect on people!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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i'll definately give ur salaam and 4ward ur request sanam jee! lol.
i've been good yaar. busy with weddings in the summer and now r u? wats new?! and yeah....i'm from lahore! we've been thru this sanam jee, remember?!!!?! lol.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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sanam jee....yaar.....lets just say, u ain't the only one with connections!! lol (j/k)
my family knows the amanat ali khandaan from way back. my parents have always said they know them, but i thought they were lying. lol. my mamu kept tellin' me he was good friends with shafqat, but i ignored him too. (stupid me)lol. then last week....i got a phone call from my mamu who claimed he and my family were @ a wedding - shafqat's nephew's wedding 2 be exact, and that shafqat himself was with them. so i said.....prove it....put him on the phone....!!! and sure enough....shafqat came on the phone! he started laughin' @ me, cause i was all excited. lol. and the rest...i already filled ya'll in!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
wicked. i went out 2day, and they ain't available on dvd here, so i just rented the video. i did order the dvd 4 mehndi tho!! that was worth ordering online.
i'm going 2 watch singhar and holla' back when i'm done boss.
btw......yaad to ayen gay was on 2day (episode 5) and its getting better each week man. 2days episode was the best by far: humayon was forced to choose between business and reema, and he chose business. that means he had 2 borrow 5 lacks from another girl, who will only give the money on one condition: humayon breaks his engagement with reema and starts a fling with her! humayon accepts the condition with a heavy heart!! lets see what happends next week..
Age: 125
7989 days old here
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Canada, Canada
tell me 'bout it boss....i'm outta the loop when it comes 2 drama's. i was 2 busy with aunty saima and lollywood, that i overlooked our kickass drama's. lol.
but i'll catch up. with help from u guys and iman, i'm set.
so is singhar old or new? and hows the quality?? my favorite's in it, so that's #1 on my to-get list!!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i don't know jack abt bollywood (except for a couple of facts) and don't care 4 it either! but if ya'll say srk is NOT goin' down...fine by me. i simply read that he's bein' bashed in india, and i wanted to confirm for curiosity's sake!!!